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Linux Upgrade

AIV4 Installation

-----To apply/change password of MySQL-----

sudo mysql --user=root mysql
UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=null WHERE User='root';
flush privileges;
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your_password_here';

-----To give access rights for folder-----

sudo chmod -R 777 /home/sixven/camp_sms/inputs


greys@vps1:/tmp$ chmod a+w try2018

AIV5 Upgradation

  1. Open Terminal

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  1. Change user to root
sudo su

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  1. Install updates
apt-get update

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  1. Install wget
apt-get install wget

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  1. Exit from root user

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  1. Download AIV5 from dropbox

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  1. Move file

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  1. Make file executable
chmod +x

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  1. run setup file

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-Once you hit enter, setup will be started

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  1. Keep pressing Enter to read license agreement until it ask to accept license condition as shown below,

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  1. Type Y and press enter to accept license conditions.

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  1. When you click enter, next it will ask if this is new installation. Type n and hit enter because we need to upgrade.

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  1. Next it will ask upgrade existing AIV, type y and hit enter

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-After hitting enter, it will ask you if above selection is correct or not. Type y and click enter.

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  1. Give Path where your existing application resides. Give path up to AIV folder

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  1. In application name, keep it aiv if not changed and hit enter. You can see 2 options, press 1 if you want to download latest build from online website and press 2 if you want to use downloaded version and press enter

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  1. Upgradation has started and it will ask for confirmation to continue to upgrade. Type y and press enter.

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  1. Upgradation has started and will finish in some time. When finished, you will see screen like below image

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  1. Upgradation has completed and now we need to run tomcat server. For that change file path to /aiv/tomcat/bin folder [cd /aiv/tomcat/bin] and run command ./ to start tomcat server.

You will see message that “Tomcat has started”. Wait for like 2 Mins as tomcat takes some time to load all files to server.

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  1. After waiting for 2 Min Enter server IP Address and port number to open AIV. AIV Login screen should appear.


In case of any query regarding steps you can reach us at